Improved AppleScript support: New support for copying albums or photos between libraries, merging libraries, and exporting photos/albums from a library.PowerPhotos - The ultimate toolbox for Photos on the Mac.Faster library loading: PowerPhotos 2.0 has rewritten a bunch of its internals to load your library much faster than PowerPhotos 1.0.New duplicate search engine: PowerPhotos 2.0 uses a new duplicate comparison algorithm that can find more duplicate photos which are not quite 100% identical, such as scaled down copies of photos, photos that have been resaved in a different format or with different compression, and even photos with minor edits applied to them.Multiple windows: You can now open each library in a separate window in PowerPhotos, allowing for easier comparison between libraries, and dragging and dropping photos/albums between libraries.Library groups: For those with lots of libraries, you can now organize your libraries into groups in the PowerPhotos sidebar.

#Powerphotos 1 download
In PowerPhotos 2.0, it can now see and work with any photos in your iCloud photo library, and will automatically download any photos from iCloud as needed.
#Powerphotos 1 mac
For users with the "Optimize Mac Storage" option enabled, this could mean a significant portion of your iCloud library would not be visible to PowerPhotos. Improved iCloud Photos support: If you use iCloud Photos, PowerPhotos 1.x was only able to see photos in your library that had already been downloaded to your local hard drive.PowerPhotos can analyze your libraries for duplicate photos, showing them to you side-by-side and letting you get rid of extra copies of photos that you no longer need Use a single library to hold a smaller collection that you sync with iCloud, while keeping the bulk of your photos in separate libraries so they don't take up space on iCloud. If you use iCloud Photo Library to sync photos with your other devices, splitting up your library can help save on iCloud storage costs. PowerPhotos also supports searching across all your libraries at once to help track down a particular photo. You can easily switch between libraries, or just browse the photos in your libraries directly from PowerPhotos, without having to open each library in Photos. PowerPhotos allows you to break up your Photos.app images among multiple Photos libraries, rather than having to store all of them in one giant library.